November Goals


November is here! Time for a few of my favorite things. Thanksgiving, friends, family and pumpkin pie! YES!

1. Celebrate my husband, Matt His birthday is tomorrow! November 6th. He's really someone to celebrate, y'all! We are already off to a good start with this one, a bunch of friends and I surprised Matt on Sunday with a few of his favorite things. Football, food and friends!

2. Spend intentional time with friends & family I love that November stirs up in us reflection and  thankfulness. Spending time with the Lord, my husband, family, and friends stirs up joy and thankfulness in a deep place within my heart.

3. Have friends over for a home-cooked meal Home-cooked by me, that is. ;) Not Eatzi's. Ha!

The Sheltons Adopt


Hey guys! I want you to meet some of Matt & I's best friends. This is Matt & Nicole Shelton.

A little about the Sheltons:

Matt and Nicole Shelton helped plant and are faithful members at Paradox Church in Fort Worth (The Village Church planted City View Church and City View planted Paradox). The Sheltons have been trying to have kiddos since their second year of marriage and will be celebrating their 9th year anniversary in January (WHOOHOO God is GOOD!). They are finally in a place where they can start their adoption journey! They have selected their agency and are now ready to starting fundraising… and we get to help, how exciting!!!

Okay, on to the mini-session details:

WHEN: Friday, Nov 8th & Sunday, Nov 10th


WHERE: Grapevine Botanical Gardens

DETAILS: $150.00 (checks made payable to Matt Shelton or cash) 30 minutes, 15 high resolution edited photos w/ reprint release

Sessions will be booked first come, first served. Please email me with your 1st & 2nd day/time preference and I will send back a confirmation email. I will open up more time slots if the interest is high- so spread the word! Keep up with the Shelton's adoption journey at #thesheltonsadopt. Thank you SO much for your support!


Oh, Happy Day! You're Engaged!

You're engaged! You're going to be a BRIDE! You get to marry your BEST FRIEND!! This is a big deal, friends! You've been thinking about this moment for so long and it's here! YAY! Now a little time has passed and you're up to your eyeballs in wedding planning... Which, depending on your personality type, is either exhilarating or exhausting (or at times, both!). Well take a big, deep breath and a long exhale. Here are a couple tips on how to prepare for your engagement shoot!


1) Relax! Sounds easy right? It can be! Start gathering your clothing well in advance. Give yourself extra time to get ready or even use your engagement session as an excuse to get your hair and makeup done professionally. Prevent feeling rushed by giving yourself ample time to get to the session location... traffic in Dallas/Fort Worth is just a way of life. All of these things will help to decrease stress so you can free yourself up to focus on each other. You won't be feeling stressed or rushed just excited!  Your excitement and genuine joy will shine through in your photos.


2) Gather Multiple Clothing Options Feel free to gather 2-3 outfits for your session. Something more dressy and something casual. Keep the time of year and location in mind when picking out clothing. Try to stay away from being too "matchy-matchy". (ie: both wearing jeans and white shirts). Don't be afraid to mix patterns! One thing I've found helpful is, start by picking out your handsome hubby-to-be's clothing first. Most of the time, this is an easier place to start since they generally have less clothes than us ladies. ;) After you pick out his shirts, look for the color that appears least (i.e.Charlie's plaid shirt above), Amanda did a great job picking out the light teal color and finding something in her closet to compliment it. Don't over complicate this part, simple is ALWAYS best. If you get stuck, bring it all! I can totally help you pick out what to wear!


3) Be Playful & Have Fun! This session is all about you as a couple. The highest compliment I have receive is, "Oh, this is so them!". My job is to capture your personalities so the more "you", you can be the better! Don't worry, I will guide you along and give helpful instruction. So this is me giving you permission to, let go of insecurities and nerves and just have fun! It's only a couple of hours, so enjoy them and enjoy each other before you have to go back to "real life".


"Scarcely had I passed them     when I found the one my heart loves." Song of Solomon 3:4